Halloween-you were suppose to be Woody and Brittany was going to be Jessie

Shawn and Ashley's wedding. You were a groomsman. They included you in the service-it was beautiful

Announcement that Tommy and Theresa are having a baby
Dad bought me a new laptop-I cried because you were not there to help me with it
Thanksgiving 2010-we had cranberry sauce in your honor. I MADE everyone at least taste it. Danielle loved it-just like you
Christmas 2010-this was a hard one. Autumn and I were sick so we slept all day

Papa grew his angel wings-December 29, 2010
New Years 2011
Papa's funeral-January 7, 2011

Announcement that Shawn and Ashley are having a baby
Tommy and Theresa are having a boy-they are naming it after you..David Andrew Rodriguez!!
Sprint finally got that 4G phone you so badly wanted. I am so sorry…..
Brittany moved out-very sad day for me. I miss her so much
Raegan's 1st birthday-it was very sad not to have you there-but I think you were….
Valentine's Day 2011-We took Bruce to Rose Hills to your spot-he peed on your tree!!! Brittany gave you Bruce for Valentine's Day 2007

Lala and Terrell got married!!!!! and now they are having a baby too!!
Barney and Bruce got into a fight over the trash-Barney lost..$200.00 vet bill
Shawn and Ashley are having a girl-Mia Suri
Brittany's Aunt Shelly grew her angel wings
Opening day for the Angels 2011-Dad was sad you weren't here to watch it with him

Gas is over $4.00 a gallon-I KNOW you don't miss that
Most of all....I MISS YOU