Tuesday, February 28, 2012

She turned 2 without you

She turned 2 without you but she sure knows who you are.  You would be so proud of the little girl she has become.  She is beautiful, smart, funny and has your temper at times!!!  Ask anyone who knew you as a little boy and they will tell you that she looks just like you did when you were her age. She even has your cowlick...thanks Dave.   Show her a picture of you and ask her who it is and she will say "Uncle Davey".

I wish you were here to see her grow up, but I know that you are watching over her everyday.  Not everyone can say that have a guardian angel watching over them like she can. When she is older, she will know more about you than she probably ever thought was possible!!!  And maybe even somethings that she might not want to know...your booty shake!!!

 Keep her safe Davey and watch over her when we can't.

Love Mom

Raegan's birthday candle

Yes, we got your candle for Raegan's birthday!!  Thank you

Here is the story: Raegan's 2nd birthday was February 11th.  We were looking forward to having the party, but not looking forward to missing Davey there.  Autumn and Raegan had been over to my house the night before and I had a candle lit.  It had 3 wicks.  When they left I blew out the candle and went to bed.  I was up at least 3 times in the middle of the night and walked past the candle and it was not lit. David came home late in the night and heated up food in the microwave where the candle was and it was not lit.  When I got up the next morning....Raegan's birthday..one wick was lit (see above).  That wick had not been lit all night or the candle would have been burned farther down.  Davey's sign for Raegan wishing her a

Friday, February 24, 2012

Would you rather?

 “Would you rather” is a game that you play to see how daring people can be.  Would you rather eat this or that?  Would you rather wear this or that? Would you rather go here or there?
Well, our everyday life isn’t a game.  If we asked the question, would you rather have Davey with us on Earth or in Heaven?  We may all jump at the chance to have him here with us, again.  Why wouldn’t we want him here? For one more laugh, one more hug, one more smile. 
However, I think about how thankful I am to have him in Heaven.  I am thankful that he is safe.  I am thankful he is there with God.  I am thankful he is there watching over and protecting us.  I am thankful for the signs he gives and the jokes he plays on us.    I am thankful to know I am never alone. 
And as he is looking down at us, I hope he would be proud of where we are in our lives.  Proud for the changes we have made and the people we have become.  It is true that you become a different person when you lose someone so special. 
 And so, in the end, the question of “Would you rather?” should best be left to topics like what to eat or wear.  Because in our everyday life, it is not always that easy to answer.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day 2012


Dear Davey,
There are hearts everywhere now that I look.  I honestly believe they are from you. Who else could they be from?  They are so obvious, to me at least.  The first one I saw, I just thought "weird" and walked away.  Later it happened again and it made me think, so I took a picture.  Then they kept coming...at times when I needed them and then a lot of other times.  The heart above was taken by Dad's cousins wife.  I was on Facebook Christmas Day, missing you of course. This heart was staring me in the face when I opened my page.  Here are the others.  I know you know what they look like, but others don't so I want to post them so everyone can see.

One morning when I was driving your car
Carpet at home-not even wet
At work on my way to lunch

Bathroom rug

A piece of carpet

Dog pee???? Really Davey!!!

Now here is one for you.  Happy Valentines Day Davey. I Love You.
