Thursday, September 24, 2015

Always Ready for A Drink

Those friends again!!!  Some how we always miss them.
Love you Guys!

5 Years

I thought saying you were 29 was hard!  Typing "5 Years" was even harder.  How can it be 5 years already?  Seems like just yesterday I said good bye to you at the door.  I wish I had known it was the last time I would speak to you....... Days have turned into months and into years and I never thought that I would be typing to you on a blog that you could never read.  Of course I wish that things could have turned out different but that was not Gods plan.  I am still searching for his reason that he needed you more than we did. I may never know.  I just have to trust God that it was the right thing. Every day hurts but days like today hurt the worst.
Until we see each other again.....  I love you.
  Love Mom