Dear Davey,
September 24, 2011 we celebrated your live here on Earth. Although you were only here a short 24 years, 1 months and 16 day, you made a huge impact on those lives that you touched. Life is not fair at times and I can say this is one of those times. We never really appreciate what we have until it is gone. As your parents we never really understood the relationships that you had with your friends…because you wanted it that way. But now that you are not here, we totally understand the magnitude of those relationships and are in awe at what a wonder friend and mentor you were to so many people. The lives you touched, the lives you changed and the support you gave to all your friends truly amazes us every day. The more we talk to people the more we know of the Davey that they knew, not just the one that we knew. Some of your family members didn’t really know you as an adult and they are sad that they didn’t. It wasn’t you or them; it was just the way that life was. If we all had only known that your life would have been cut short, I am sure we would have done things a lot differently. We cannot change that now but what we can change is the future. Because of you we all have learned to be more compassionate to others, not judging what people do or say and we look at life in a whole different way. Little things do not matter anymore. We can’t worry about those things that we cannot change. We have to work on changes those things that we can change. We have learned to love each other more because we never know what will happen. People come into our lives and people go but it is the ones that leave the imprints on our hearts that matter the most. You, my son left so many imprints on lives and I don’t believe you realized what an impact you had on people. I wish you were here to see the love that others have for you because of the love that you showed to them. I know you were watching from Heaven and have a beautiful smile on your face, just looking at us all together in your memory but I just wish for one day we could have you back so that you could see what you have done here.
Here are some pictures from the celebration of your life. So many people came out in your memory. It was awesome to see so many friends and family there to help us remember what a wonderful person that you were while you were here. We don’t need anyone to tell us, but is it nice to see that others knew too!!! A lot of family was there of course, but people showed up that never met you before to people that you knew since you were in kindergarten. It was awesome to see so many people there. The day started with family and friends gathering at Rose Hills early in the morning. You can see that Steven and his little boy Gilbert were there. They were the first ones there that morning to remember you. What a special friend. Then later in the evening we all gathered to remember you again. We had dinner and then the children released balloons in your honor and then the adults lite candles. Ashley spoke of that horrible day when she heard the news and how much she misses you. Others didn't speak out loud but I know they were thinking of all the wonderful times they had with you. Please watch over us and let us know you are with us. Until we meet again, my beautiful son....Mom

These are the pictures from the morning at Rose Hills
Memorial table
And then of course Batman was there. The littlest Batman ever came...Mia Hydaryacil...soo precious
Friends and Rae
Balloon release and candle lighting