Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

Another Halloween missing you but remembering all the Halloweens we did get to share.  Your first Halloween you were only 2 months old and I didn't have a costume for you so you wore a pink blanket sleeper that was Autumns and some bunny ears!!  From a football player to a clown to Men in black to Peter Pan, you were always the cutest one in my eyes.  I remember the year that you wore the scary costume and you and I scared the neighbor kids.  I can't find a picture but I think I have one some where.  Just know that you are missed everyday but holidays are the worst.
Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Halloween Decorations

Yes we decorated again...always.  It is one of the only things we can do for you.  People always stop by and say how nice it looks.  If we only didn't have to decorate THERE...
Love you sweet boy