I keep thinking, “He would be twenty five today.” I wonder what he would have been doing? Would he still be living with us? My guess is yes. Why would he move? He had the best of everything. Hardly no rent, hot cooked meals, clean clothes, a warm bed to sleep in and someone to take care of his Bruce.
I keep thinking, “He would be twenty five today." I wonder what he would have been doing? Would he still be hanging out at "the block" every day, every waking hour that he wasn't working? My guess is yes. That place was his life. Even on Christmas Day after he opened all his presents, he would leave and spend the day there. I guess they had something to offer him that we couldn't. He only came home to eat and use the bathroom. We often wonder how he lived in Colorado for 1 1/2 years without our restroom.
I keep thinking, “He would be twenty five today." I wonder what he would have been doing? Would he still be wearing size 4XLT t shirts? My guess is yes. That boy had probably 15 white ones and 15 black ones and a few other colors. Why so many? Don't you know that you can only wear them once? I hope in Heaven they have 4XLT size wings or he won't be happy!!!
I keep thinking, “He would be twenty five today." I miss my son. I miss him for the precious baby he was and for the man he had become. I miss him for the memories I have and for the memories that never will be.
I keep thinking, “He would be twenty five today.” I cannot believe that a year has passed. I cannot believe that our family has survived without him for a whole year. But I know that we really haven't. He has always been here. He will always be here. He is a part of our lives. We hold him in our hearts…and yet, I still wonder who he would be today?
I keep thinking, “He would be twenty five today." I wonder what he would have been doing?
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